The Kumaon Artisans Guild is a network of Barefoot Engineers. Since the 1990s the team has spearheaded the application of appropriate technology (AT) in cross-cutting sectors such as drinking water, environmental sanitation, renewable energy, roof run-off rainwater harvesting and shelter. Registered as a non-profit since 2001, its membership continues to grow. Meet some of the founding and senior members here…
Guild Profiles: click on a thumbnail to read their story
Master Trainers: click on the grey box to the right to meet the master trainers
Himachal Pradesh :
Arjun Singh
Suder Shan
Chitter Ver
Hans Raj
Desh Raj Kamal
Monahr Singh
Shankar Ram
Gopal Ram
Kishan Chandra
Master Trainers:
Jeewan Singh
Gopal Ram
Gopal Ram