Grassroots is grateful for the support of the following organisations and individuals.
Community Aid Abroad-OXFAM, Australia
Find Your Feet, United Kingdom
Fondation Ensemble, France
Global Environment Fund/CEE, India
GTZ German Technical Cooperation, New Delhi
Government of Uttarakhand
Government of Himachal Pradesh
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance, Switzerland
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India
Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India
National Research Development Corporation, New Delhi
Swiss Development Cooperation, New Delhi
Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Mumbai
Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai
Terre d’Oc Creations, France
UNDP-World Bank, New Delhi
Donor Organisations
Private Donors
There have been so many individuals who continue to provide critical support to the organization, not just in terms of donations, but more importantly in keeping the faith!
Institutional Collaborations
ASHOKA : Innovators for the Public, USA
CamVol, University of Cambridge, UK
Delhi School of Social Work, India
College of Natural Resources, University of California, USA
Foundation for Ecological Security, India
Feedback Ventures, New Delhi
India Water Partnership (IWP), India
Indian Society for Ecological Economics, India
Lakeside School, USA
Lemelson Foundation, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
PGS Organic India Council, India
Mr. David Abernethy, USA
Mr. Joseph Akkarappatty, India
Ms Annemarije, The Netherlands
Mr. Alok Bhandari, USA
Mrs. Pamela Chatterji,India
Mr. Subhojit Daripa, Brazil
Mrs. Sucheta Daripa, Brazil
Mr. V. B. Eswaran,India
Friends of Grassroots, USA
Students of Lakeside School, USA
Staff of HCL Chennai, India
Mr. N. Narayanan, USA
Mr. Kalyan Paul , India
Mr. Ajay Rastogi , India
Mrs. Annuradha Sharm, India
Mrs. Lindsay Shea, USA
Col. (Retd) V.P. Singh, India
Dr. Mala Srikant , India
Mr. Ravi Vishwanathan, India
Mrs. Philippa & James , U.K
Mr. Solana Galen , New Zealand
Mrs. Maya Sandoval, New Zealand
Mr. Abe Mammen, USA
Mrs. Mary Kay McCaw, USA
Life Members
Mr. V.B. Eswaran, Mr. Mohit Satyanand, Dr. Amitva Mitra, Mrs. Annuradha Sharma, Mr. D. Rangnathan, Mrs. Anita Paul, Mr. Kalyan Paul, Mrs. H. Bedi, Dr. K. K. Bhardawaj, Mr. Vijay Mahajan, Mr. Jaideep Wadhwa, Mr. Vijay Lakhanpal, Dr. Rauf Ali, Mr. Ethan Stein, Mrs. Seema Kapoor, Mr. S.N. Acharya, Mr. Rabinder Kaul, Mr. A.B. Cleophas, Mr. K. J. Jose, Mr. Kabir Mustafi, Mr. Rajesh Thadani, Mr. Gautam Nair, Mr. Kutti Krishnan, Mr. Mahender Verma, Mrs. Poonam Verma, Dr. Sushil Sharma, Mr. Anand Singh Adhikari, Mrs. Pamela Chatterji, Mr. Ganesh Pangare, Mr. Deep Joshi, Mr. Man Mohan Singh, Col. V.P. Singh, Mrs. Sumita Ghosh, Mr. N Kurunakaran, Mr. Ajay Rastogi, Mrs. Ruchi Rastogi